How to Charge An Electric Scooter the Right Way

This article considers the topic of how to charge an electric scooter the right way, giving you plenty of tips on charging and debunking some common myths. We also give you some ideas on how to prolong your battery life so that your scooter lasts you a long time and serve you as well as possible.

How to Charge an Electric Scooter – Understand the Basics

Before diving into the charging process, it’s essential to familiarise yourself with your electric scooter’s battery specifications and charging requirements. Always refer to the user manual for specific instructions related to your model.

Different makes and models will vary in terms of exactly how to charge your scooter, how long it will take to charge and how much power you will need according to the battery’s capacity. This is why it’s crucial to read the specifics in your electric scooter’s manual.

The following tips however are useful no matter what type of electric scooter you have.

Charging Steps for Optimal Battery Health

1 Let Your Scooter Cool Down After Riding

Allow your scooter to cool down for 15 minutes or so after using it. Charging your battery while the scooter is still hot can lead to battery damage and limit its lifespan. Avoiding charging it straightaway is an important step for optimal battery health.

2 Never Charge a Wet Scooter

Always make sure your scooter is dry before charging it. If you have just been out in the rain or in wet conditions dry the scooter with a soft cloth making sure that the charging port in particular is thoroughly dry before charging.

Water can corrode electrical components over time, and although a little water won’t make much difference it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

3 Plug the Charger in First Before Connecting the Scooter

This tip is particularly helpful in protecting your scooter. If there is a short circuit only the plug will be affected and your scooter will not be damaged. You can connect the scooter just after plugging in the charger knowing that it is now safe to do so.

That way you only have to buy a new plug and not a new scooter and plug.

4 Use the Original Charger

Your scooter’s original charger has been built for purpose and that purpose is for use with your scooter. Although it is possible to charge an electric scooter without a charger  you should really only so when you have no other choice in a pinch. For example in an emergency situation where your original charger is damaged and you need enough charge to get you home.

You can use a car charger or a portable charger if you don’t have the ability to use the original charger but they need to be the correct voltage of your specific battery. We wouldn’t recommend doing this regularly because this could limit your battery’s performance over time because they are simply not designed for your scooter in the wya that your charger is.

5 Always Charge Your Scooter in Suitable Conditions

As you are probably aware, extreme heat or extreme cold can cause battery damage. To avoid damaging the scooter while charging place it in a dry, cool place away from extreme temperatures and direct sunlight.

6 Turn Off the Scooter while Charging

Turning the scooter off while charging helps to ensure the scooter charges efficiently and quickly, and prevents any potential damage to the battery.

This works in a similar way to charging your phone while it’s in Airplane mode helps it charge more quickly and efficiently.

7 Avoid Overcharging

A red light typically means charging is in progress, while a green light indicates the battery fully charged. Keep an eye on the scooter and unplug the charger once the battery is fully charged to avoid overcharging. Don’t let the battery stay on green for long or you will be affecting your battery’s ability to charge properly in the long term.

8 Wait a Few Minutes After Charging Before Riding

Where possible don’t ride the scooter straightaway after charging, try to wait for a few minutes before riding it. This allows the battery to settle after being charged and will help lengthen its lifespan in the long term.

9 Don’t Let the Battery Drain Completely

Letting the battery completely drain puts strain on it, and will damage it in the long term – especially if you do it regularly. Keep your battery regularly topped up (but without overcharging it) for best practices when charging your electric scooter.

10 Use Portable Quick Chargers with Caution

While a quick charger obviously charges your scooter faster, they can also reduce battery lifespan if used regularly. Adjust the settings on them to control the charge rate and depth for optimal long term battery health., and think about using them only occasionally.

How to Charge an Electric Scooter While Riding

Although you can use a portable battery back to charge some electric scooters while riding, it isn’t recommended because the battery will be hot from being used and this will put stress on it and reduce its lifespan. It’s also worth considering that some electric scooters won’t go if they are being charged, most likely for this reason.

Some electric scooters have regenerative braking capabilities (e.g. Apollo electric scooters) which means that power is forced back into the battery when you brake, using recycled power. This can increase the range capabilities of the scooters by up to 20%.

Electric Scooter Parked in an Urban Environment
How to Charge an Electric Scooter so it can be Safely Parked

Debunking Myths about How to Charge an Electric Scooter

Myth No.1

You need to charge your scooter after every single ride.

In reality you should charge your scooter as needed aiming for between 30-80% battery charge. While you want to avoid complete drainage as this puts stress on the battery, you don’t need to be charging it all the time as this also puts stress on the battery and limits its lifespan.

Myth No.2

Fully charge before riding and full discharge before recharging the battery.

In reality charging your battery when it doesn’t need charged will put undue stress on it, and letting the battery become depleted will also put stress on it. Don’t charge your battery when you don’t need to, and as with many things moderation and a happy medium in terms of charging is the best approach.

Electric Scooter Charging FAQ

Can I Charge an Electric Scooter at Home?

Yes, you can charge an electric scooter at home using the original charger. Make sure the conditions you are charging in are not too hot or too cold, and avoid direct sunlight to prolong the life of your battery.  Be sure to avoid overcharging the battery, turning it off as soon as it is charged.

Where is the Charging Point on an Electric Scooter?

For most models the charging port is located in the base of the scooter, usually near the from wheel. Consult your manual to make sure, but you should be able to find it quite easily.

How Long Does it Take to Charge an Electric Scooter?

Depending on the size of the battery and the make and model of your electric scooter, it can take between 2-12 hours to fully charge an electric scooter. Always use the original charger and consult your manual to be sure you charge it for the correct length of time without overcharging it.


Proper charging practices are not just about prolonging your electric scooter’s battery life; they’re about ensuring safety, reliability, and the longevity of your investment. By following the outlined steps and tips, you can enjoy the benefits of your electric scooter for years to come. Remember, the key to maximising your scooter’s performance and battery lifespan lies in understanding and implementing the right charging techniques.

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